Brian Short

I'm a full-stack software engineer and development manager living and working in Boston. I work with a variety of organizations including startups, Fortune 500 companies, and non-profits. I'm also very involved in the local open source community, helping to plan DrupalCampNYC 10 and 11, and part of the planning committee for the very first NYC Camp.

You can follow me on Twitter or Facebook, or LinkedIn. If you'd like to look at some public code that I'm currently working on then check out my accounts on GitHub or


I'm a software engineer and architect.

My Official Profile »


In addition to projects that I've done at work, I've also built a number of different things that you can find on the web.

Projects »


I've been writing off and on for the past 12 years and putting it on the web.

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Contact Me

phone: 1-646-244-2062
skype: brian.short

If you're interested in seeing my experience, please take a look at my resume.